Pernah denger nama Mayer Hawthorne? Atau setidaknya pernah denger aku teriak-teriak (atau ngetweet) berulang kali tentang betapa ngefansnya aku sama si Mayer Hawthorne ini? Ah, jangan bilang nggak pernah! Yaudah nih aku kasih tau siapa dia sebenernya *padahal emang kepingin banget nulis tentang dia*.
Meet him, Andrew Mayer Cohen, penyanyi beraliran neo-soul, kadang R&B, dan blues dan sering nyanyi dengan falseto yang super sekali. His stage name is Mayer Hawthorne. Ah, just google him if you'd like to find out more about him. Surely he's not as famous as Justin Bieber. Yea, truth hurts. to be underlined here Not all of commercial songs are good, and not all of good songs are commercial. But then again, should I dislike him just because his not that famous?
He's got all what it takes to make me love him <3
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Prince Geek yet Charming, I fall for him more and more everyday |
Rewind the song. Rewind again. Rewind for the next half hour or so.
That's what I did when I first figure out of Mayer Hawthorne. And I knew I must know more about him!
But of course, back at that time, he's only just released one debute album "A Strange Arrangement" on 2009.
And I was like knocking my head on the wall "His debut album was released a year ago and you've just figured it out now, self? Where have you been?" Allright, I become a drama queen sometimes.
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xoxo for his very unique being |
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second album. Who's Mayer Hawthorne without glasses? |
But it was my old days. Now I learn from my mistake. I follow his update news and of course I figured out that his latest album has been released. And............ Yes, I know that on 3rd of March, he'll be in Jakarta for Java Jazz 2012. Someone kidnap me to his stage!!!!!!!
What silly is, I can't find his CDs on CD store at the nearest mall to my kost-kosan! What the heck do you guys sell then? Among thousands CDs collection and I can't find Mayer Hawthorne?
And when I asked the mbak-mbak penjaga toko CD: "Ada CD Mayer Hawthorne yang 'How Do You Do' nggak, teh?"
Si teteh cuma jawab: "Hah? Aduh, nggak jual dek" tanpa ada niat ngecek.
I bet she doesn't even recognize the name Mayer Hawthorne. Maybe so, maybe no. But at least do some effort to look for it *trollface*
Forget that, I'll look in the other stores later.
Ah, here's my most favorite songs he sings :)
1. Ain't Gonna Work Out comes first as this had been my first meeting to Mayer Hawthorne. Lagunya sih tentang cowok yang mau mutusin pacarnya gitu. kayak "It ain't gonna work out, babe". Well, not all of heart-breaking song must be sung in sad melody, no?
disclaimer --> “It’s Tuesday: You are feeling tranquil and a little bit loose. You’re looking for a song that reminds you of 1950s soul on Sundays appropriate for cooking waffles with strawberries with the fam (or friends you consider family.) Even if that never really happened. The perfect song? Mayer Hawthorne—’Just Ain’t Gonna Work Out.’” — Justin Timberlake
2. A Strange Arrangement. Gyaaaaa..... Galau maksimal adalah ketika kita menghayati lagunya Hawthorne yang satu ini. Emang cuma Taylor Swift yang bisa nyanyi lagu galau? #nggaknyante
Pengen banget peluk Hawthorne kalau udah denger suaranya yang penuh penghayatan di lagu ini. Who dares to break this handsome fellow's heart?
3. Your Easy Lovin' Ain't Pleasin' Nothin'. Lagu ini ear-catching sih. Dan bukan galau-galauan. Ini lagu dia yang kedua yang aku dengar. Haha.. masih inget banget yak!
4. The Walk. Mesmerized by this song. Sempet kepikiran kalau ini lagu bertipe galau. But I was wrong. This one is sooooooooooooo easy listening and increase my mood a lot. The trumpet and his voice do make my day :D Tipe-tipe lagu yang 'swing' mengalir dan ga dihentak-hentak gimana (melainkan di alun) gitu jadinya enak dipake joget. Dan liriknya itu lho, lucu banget. Pokoknya ini lagu wajib yang diputar sebagai moodbooster.
5. Finally Falling adalah lagu Mayer Hawthorne lainnya yang liriknya bikin aku lemes saking so sweetnya. Serap dalam-dalam liriknya ke dalam hati. Wuuuu... sesuatu banget deh.
Iya iyaaa... pasti gak cuma itu doang. Aku juga suka banget sama nada-nada yang cukup bersahabat di telinga kayak When I said Goodbye. Lagu When I said Goodbye ini ngingetin aku banget sama musik-musik jaman papa mama kita masih muda, easy listening banget gak sih? Atau mau dengerin sensasi groovy ketika kita dihentak-hentak sama beat yang tidak biasa dari Maybe So, Maybe No? Yah, your choice lah. All I can say, he's one different color in music industry.
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yea, that smile I loved :) |
Your big fans here
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