Kamis, 07 April 2011

Best Romance Movie... So Far

I've just finished watching the movie (this is my 143rd times I guess) when I decided to write this entry. I googled the dialog and I figure out how touching the words spoken between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth.

For God's sake, nontonlah (kalau belum pernah) film ini. It's just.. I love the movie so much :)

Right, so part I like the most, (Well, I love most of the part of this movie) :D

*When Mr. Darcy been rejected. Lizzy lagi dendam sama Mr. Darcy ceritanya*

Mr. Darcy: Miss Elizabeth. I have struggled in vain and I can bear it no longer. These past months have been a torment. I came to Rosings with the single object of seeing you... I had to see you. I have fought against my better judgment, my family's expectations, the inferiority of your birth by rank and circumstance. All these things I am willing to put aside and ask you to end my agony.
Elizabeth Bennet: I don't understand.

Mr. Darcy: I love you. Most ardently. Please do me the honor of accepting my hand.
Elizabeth Bennet: Sir, I appreciate the struggle you have been through, and I am very sorry to have caused you pain. Believe me, it was unconsciously done.
Mr. Darcy: Is this your reply?
Elizabeth Bennet: Yes, sir.
Mr. Darcy: Are you... are you laughing at me?
Elizabeth Bennet: No.
Mr. Darcy: Are you *rejecting* me?
Elizabeth Bennet: I'm sure that the feelings which, as you've told me have hindered your regard, will help you in overcoming it.

*Mr. Darcy nembak lagi. (scene dawn) perfectly romantic*

Elizabeth Bennet: I couldn't sleep
Mr. Darcy: Nor did I. my aunt.. She was here. how could I apologise for such behaviour?
Elizabeth Bennet: after what you've done for Lidya, and I suspect for Jane also, nothing to be apologised.
Mr. Darcy: You must know... surely, you must know it was all for you. You are too generous to trifle with me. I believe you spoke with my aunt last night, and it has taught me to hope as I'd scarcely allowed myself before. If your feelings are still what they were last April, tell me so at once. My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you.
I never wish to be parted from you from this day on
(dalem banget sih pas dia ngomong bagian ini! <3 ) (>_<)(Y)

*Abis Mr. Darcy ngelamar Lizzy, Lizzy diajak ngomong ama bokapnya*

Mr. Bennet: Lizzy, are you out of your senses? I thought you hated the man.
Elizabeth Bennet: No, Papa.
Mr. Bennet: He's rich, to be sure, and you will have more fine carriages than Jane. But will that make you happy?
Elizabeth Bennet: Have you no objection other than your belief in my indifference?
Mr. Bennet: None at all. We all know him to be a proud, unpleasant sort of fellow... but that would be nothing if you really liked him.
Elizabeth Bennet: I do like him.
Mr. Bennet: Well...
Elizabeth Bennet: I love him.

Elizabeth Bennet: He's been a fool about so many things, about Jane, and others... but then, so have I. You see, he and I are so similar.
Elizabeth Bennet: We've been nonsensical! Papa, I...
Mr. Bennet: You really do love him, don't you?
Elizabeth Bennet: Very much

(so sweet banget pas bagian ini :D private talk between father and daughter, heart-to-heart)

*Great movie must be ended by sweet ending, right? It's a perfect ending I believe*

Mr. Darcy: How are you this evening, my dear?
Elizabeth Bennet: Very well. Only, I wish you would not call me "my dear."
Mr. Darcy: Why?
Elizabeth Bennet: Because it's what my father calls my mother whenever he's cross about something.
Mr. Darcy: Well, what endearments am I allowed?
Elizabeth Bennet: Well, let me think..."Lizzy" for everyday, "my pearl" for Sundays, and "Goddess Divine," but only on special occasions.
Mr. Darcy: And what am I to call you when I'm cross? "Mrs. Darcy?"
Elizabeth Bennet: No, you may only call me "Mrs. Darcy" when you are completely, perfectly and incandescently happy.
Mr. Darcy: And how are you this evening... Mrs. Darcy? Mrs. Darcy... Mrs. Darcy... Mrs. Darcy!

(that's because he completely happy, right? ;D )

oh yes, I feel like he's perfectly a Gentleman :) but of course, Dream on, Wan! a perfect man like him doesn't exist.
haha.. ah auk ah, kok jadi curcol gini? pokoknya saya sukaaaaaaaaa sekali dengan filmnya
ah okay, You may find the romantic side of these dialogs, and maybe you don't :P Well.. pokoknya film ini dapet skor 11 dari skala 1-10 :D *lebay mode: ON*

Selasa, 05 April 2011

I Used to be Ungrateful

there's one thing I would like to warn you. I've been there before, and trust me it sucks!

oh yeah, read this one first, I look up my dictionary and I found this:
Perfectionist = A person who demands perfection more than the necessary rate about him/herself and everything around

hell yup! I used to be ungrateful.. *sigh*
I used to spend most of my life seeking perfection in everything I did. I don't really remember how it began, how I became a person described above. Entah itu pengaruh darimana, tapi yang jelas, aku dulu merasa kalo tujuanku bukanlah hanya "Lolos" atau "Tuntas" atau "Selesai" atau apapun itu. rasanya gak iklas aja gitu kalo hasil yg aku buat belum sempurna.

iya, aku yang dulu itu terlalu memaksakan kehendak. aku yg dulu itu tidak bisa merasa puas, bangga, atau bersyukur kalo belum dapet hasil yg mendekati sempurna dan kalau perlu sempurna sekalian.

aku bisa aja murung seharian kalo dapet nilai 8 dan terus-menerus jitak kepala dengan berkata "bego deh Wan, ini soal kan harusnya bisa dapet nilai penuh! 9 tuh bisa kamu dapetin!" ato malah kalo dapet 9, ngomelnya berubah jadi "Dodol, itu kan bisa bener smua! Kamu sih ngaco jawabnya.."

*sigh* betapa sibuknya aku dengan ketidaksempurnaan tersebut. Mungkin itulah Wanda yg dulu, berpikiran sempit dan cuma tau kalo kesempurnaan itu yg terpenting (jangan-jgn sampe sekarang masih begitu). haha.. apa ya istilahnya? Picik? Decide yourself ;D

Tapi ya sekarang aku udah mulai berpikir secara luas. aku udah belajar kalau segala sesuatu itu gak dilihat dari hasil, tapi dari usahanya *ceileeeeeh.. mukamu Wan sok nasehatin orang* No matter lah mau dapet berapa, kalo aku udah usaha maksimal, pasti aku terima aja hasilnya :D

jadi perfectionist itu capek. Entah kenapa harus memaksakan diri untuk mendapat yg lebih dari orang lain. entah kenapa harus meng-harsh diri sendiri dan selalu merasa kurang atas apa yg didapat. itulah sekali lagi, capek..

sekarang, aku berusaha untuk ga liat hasil. Iya emang, bukan berarti aku langsung pasrah dapet jelek jg ga papa. bukan gitu. yah tetep usaha dapet terbaik, tapi gak mau maksain.

halah, curhat apa sih ini? wkwkkw..
intinya cuma mau bilang, kalo emang belum terjerumus ke Perfectionism syndrom stadium 3 kayak aku beberapa waktu yg lalu, ya jangan sampe kena :D kalo udah ngalamin capeknya jadi orang yg perfectionist, haha, cepat-cepat tobat lah.

kan enak kayak aku sekarang, apa-apa yang didapet disyukuri aja :) kalo jadi perfectionist, pasti susah bersyukur, selalu ngerasa kurang..

haha, fyi sih. aku parah-parahnya bersikap memaksa gitu pas kelas IX, pas UN. entah mungkin karena menganggap materinya mudah, jadi pengennya dapet hasil maksimaaaaaal aja. tapi yaaah, sekarang makin dewasa. jadi sadar kalo ga perlu cari kesempurnaan. kalo emang hasilnya sangat bagus, ya berarti itu berkah tambahan. ya sudahlah, ini saya ngetik nyambi belajar juga.

Wish me and my friend luck :D
And I'll wish you luck :)
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